Pupil Premium
We hold high expectations and promote excellent outcomes for all our pupils. We aim to raise standards, aspirations and self belief for all pupils including those disadvantaged. We understand and value that:
‘If we get the early years right, we pave the way of a lifetime of achievement.’
(Unknown children – destined for disadvantage?, Ofsted 2016).
At Normanton All Saints CE(A) Infant School our main priority is to make sure that all children have access to high quality inclusive teaching, effective formative assessment and strong relationships. This matters for all children but this is particularly important for those who are disadvantaged and who find learning difficult.
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is allocated to all schools based on the number of pupils at the school who have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in any of the previous six years. The grant may be spent by schools for the educational benefit of its pupils. The aim of the grant is to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and to close the gap between them and their peers.
The Early Years Pupil Premium is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education provided for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year-olds.
Our pupil premium strategy is driven by the assessment of need of our pupils and we aim to intervene in the earliest of years to allow pupils to thrive. The implementation of our strategy is a collective whole school responsibility.
We value the importance of reading and the development of language for all pupils in order for them to be successful, achieve highly and access the full curriculum. Our curriculum has been built upon research so our children have the best pedagogical approaches based on cognitive load theory and gain good subject knowledge. We prioritise the professional development of all staff to enable them to have the right skills, knowledge and expertise to continuously improve practice and consequently improve outcomes for all pupils, including those disadvantaged.
If and when any child experiences barriers to their learning, carefully well planned and effectively delivered intervention is swiftly implemented which is carefully monitored by staff to ensure that every child achieves.
Our Pupil Premium strategy includes further information about how much funding the school has been allocated, the main barriers to educational achievement faced by pupils, how the pupil premium grant will be spent and the reasons behind this and the intended impact. Please click the link below to read more.