Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities


At Normanton All Saints CE (A) Infant School, we continuously strive to ensure that
everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Each person will be given fair and equal
opportunities to develop their full potential regardless of their gender, transgender, ethnicity,
culture and religious background, sexuality, disability, or special educational needs and
ability. The school will actively promote and foster positive attitudes and will ensure equality
and fairness is embedded in all aspects of school life.
We promote and encourage the Christian values of friendship, forgiveness, respect, hope,
perseverance and thankfulness.


The Equality Act 2010 (“the Act”) provides a modern, single legal framework with three broad duties:
* Eliminate discrimination;
* Advance equality of opportunity; and
* Foster good relations.

Normanton All Saints CE (A) Infant School fully understands the principles of the Act and the
work needed to ensure that those with protected characteristics are not discriminated
against and are given equality of opportunity.

A protected characteristic under the act covers the groups listed below:
* Age;
* Disability;
* Race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin;
* Sex (including transgender);
* Gender reassignment;
* Maternity and pregnancy;
* Religion and belief;
* Sexual orientation; and
* Marriage and civil partnership (for employees).

Our Equality Objectives (2022 – 2026)

1. Through the school’s curriculum and the promotion of Christian and fundamental British Values, we are committed to pupils becoming respectful and tolerant individuals. 

2. Through focused, strategic planning and careful consideration of allocated funding, the school maintains high expectations for all groups of pupils. Where pupils are identified at risk of underachieving, early and swift intervention ensures that every child achieves highly. 

3. Through the broad and rich curriculum offer, pupils are provided with regular experiences and opportunities that raise awareness of equality and understanding of diversity within the local, national and global community. 

4. Through the mental health and well-being strategy and policy, all members of the school community are supported to lead happy, healthy lives through a raised awareness of the support that is available to them.

Special Educational Needs

We strongly believe that all our learners have gifts and talents and regard it as a privilege to find and nurture the growth of each child. All children are special and may have varying levels of specific educational needs that we aim to cater for within the daily routine. Some children experience greater difficulty in learning than most children of the same age. Other children are particularly gifted. All pupils have daily access to well planned and differentiated work that provides opportunities to challenge and extend every child’s learning. Some will benefit from the extra help given by the support staff who are available to encourage and guide children towards achieving their full potential.

The Local Authority supports pupils within our school via its policy of special needs integration. This support includes advice to enable us to fulfil our legal requirements as well as specialist services for pupils for whom a Statement of Special Needs has been written. The school must also follow the Code of Practice by keeping a confidential register of pupils and their needs. The parents of these children are regularly consulted and invited to attend meetings every half term to review their child’s needs and progress.

Further details regarding special educational needs are available in school from our SENDCO, Mrs Bellis.

A copy of the schools SEN information report, auxiliary aid information, administering medicine policy and the schools accessibility plan is included on this page as a downloadable document.

A copy of Wakefield Council’s Local Offer can be found at: 


http://wakefield.mylocaloffer.org/resources/Councils/WakefieldOffers/Documents/SEND-Strategy.PDF Throu
